Grand Cucumber Melon Smash

- 37,5 ml Grand Marnier
- 15 ml White Rum
(Preferably Wray & Nephew)
- 7,5 ml Melon Liqueur
- 2 or 3 Cucumber Slices
- 2 or 3 Lime Wedges
- 4 or 6 Mint Leaves
- 7,5 ml Simple Syrup

- Cucumber Ribbon
- Skewered Melon Balls

• Muddle cucumber, lime and mint in a cocktail shaker.
Tip: add mint first and cover it with lime wedges and cucumbers, then muddle; so you do not over muddle or shred the mint.
• Add the remaining ingredients.
• Add ice.
• Shake until chilled.
• Double strain into a cocktail glass over fresh ice.
• Garnish with skewered melon balls and a cucumber ribbon.


Cocktail author: Recipe from an article by VinePair.

Continuing the theme of Grand Marnier in cocktails (not sponsored by, I just really like the liqueur) here is the second cocktail from the VinePair list: Grand Cucumber Melon Smash.

Cocktail is built around a combination of muddled fruits with Grand Marnier playing the role of the base spirit. Deep oaky cognac and orange notes of the spirit pair very well with the fresh combination of mint and cucumber complementing each other. Subtle addition of sweet melon liqueur continues the fruity theme while balanced by the tart lime juice and fragrant peel oils expressed when muddling. Final layer of complexity is brought by vanilla and funky banana notes of the white rum with just a touch of simple syrup to balance it all out and let the flavours hop into the foreground.

All in all, the cocktail is a delicious example of how to use muddled fruits and herbs in cocktails. Usually we only muddle a single ingredient, but carefully pairing and muddling three can help achieve an amazing result. Give it a try.




Pancho Villa