Honeydew Mojito

- 60 ml White Rum
- 30 ml Fresh Lime Juice
- 22,5 ml Simple Syrup
- 60 ml Soda Water (Chilled)
- 8-10 Mint Leaves
- 4-5 Honeydew Melon Pieces
(approx. 1,5-2 cm cubes)

- Sprig of Mint
- Honeydew Melon Sphere

• Add mint, honeydew cubes and simple syrup to a cocktail glass.
• Muddle the fruit and mint
(Be careful not to overmuddle the mint. Alternatively muddle the fruit first and then add mint).
• Add rum, lime juice and crushed ice.
• Stir to combine the ingredients and lift the mint to the top.
• Add soda water and top with more crushed ice.
• Garnish with a sprig of mint and a honeydew melon sphere.


Cocktail author: I am pretty sure somebody already had this idea before me, but it is very difficult to figure out who.

Lately I felt craving for a little taste of summer, and what tastes more like summer than a Mojito. However, I wanted to add a little twist by making it just a touch fruitier and for that I chose a tasty honeydew melon. Sweet, fragrant juices of the melon fit very well together with the fresh coolness of mint. White rum brings some honey, sugar and vanilla notes to the mix. (In this particular drink I really like Plantation 3 Star white rum, it works like a charm.) All this sweetness is of course balanced by the lime juice (a staple of most rum based cocktails) providing some summery freshness. All of this combined result in a remarkably refreshing drink, a sure hit suitable not only for the summer. (Although, next time I would consider juicing the melon and adding the juice instead of muddled fruit chunks. That would reduce fruit pulp in the drink which keeps clogging the straw.)

It can be very hard to add a good twist to a very well-known and liked cocktails, but some cocktails are really twist friendly. In my opinion, Mojito is one of them. Especially if you add some fruit and transform the drink completely. So, feel free to experiment, you never know, what you can discover.


Sex on the Beach

