Amaretto Sour

- 5 ml Rich Simple Syrup
- 15 ml Egg White (Lightly Beaten)
- 30 ml Fresh Lemon Juice (Strained)
- 22,5 ml Cask Strength Bourbon
- 45 ml Amaretto

- Lemon Twist
- Lemon Wheel
- Amarena Cherry

• Combine all of the ingredients in a cocktail shaker.
• Dry shake to emulsify the egg whites.
• Add ice and shake until chilled.
• Strain into a cocktail glass over fresh ice.
• Express lemon peel oils over the cocktail.
• Garnish with a skewered cherry, lemon twist and a lemon wheel.


Cocktail author: original idea goes back to the 1970s, however this recipe has been revived not that long ago, in large part thanks to Jeffrey Morgenthaler.

Sometimes Amaretto comes across as a liqueur with a complex reputation: some love it and some despise it. Perhaps because of its presence in many overly sweet cocktails throughout the decades. However, if there was a cocktail that could turn this around, Amaretto Sour by Jeffrey Morgenthaler is definitely it.

As the cocktail name suggest Amaretto and its sweet almond notes form the base of the cocktail. Cask strength bourbon brings notes of caramel, vanilla and toasted oak with higher alcohol content ensuring that it cuts through the sweetness of amaretto and cocktail as a hole contains a satisfying alcohol kick. Healthy dose of lemon juice helps with the balance and provides enough tartness to keep the cocktail tasty and crisp. A touch of rich simple syrup keeps the balance of the cocktail in check with egg white foam providing that familiar and lovely texture. Finally, express some lemon peels oils over the top for a delightful fragrance and garnish with an amarena cherry and you have a tasty cocktail ready to be enjoyed.

Amaretto Sour is a delightful cocktail full of refreshing taste all the way from the beginning to very last sip.

Also, if you ever have a chance listen to the VinePair’s cocktail college podcast to broaden your cocktail horizons, I cannot recommend it enough. (Just in case anyone wonders, its is not a sponsor, I just really like the podcast.)


Mai Sha Roa Na


El Capitán