The Tunnel Negroni

- 30 ml Gin
- 30 ml Dry Vermouth
- 20 ml Campari
- 10 ml Sweet Vermouth such as Punt e Mes
(Or for additional twist use another type of amaro)

- Grapefruit Twist

• Combine all of the ingredients in a mixing glass.
• Add cracked ice and stir for 30-45 sec. or approx. 60 revolutions.
• Strain over fresh ice into a cocktail glass.
• Garnish with a twist of grapefruit.


Cocktail author: Franck Audoux (Adapted from a recipe dating back to 1929).

The tunnel negroni is quite old variation of the classic negroni cocktail, dating back to a cocktail book from 1929. I believe original recipe calls for Italian amaro Cora which is no longer available, so it became standard to replace it with a different style of amaro, at hand, or with a bit of sweet vermouth. I prefer the method of playing around with different style of amari. That gives you a lot of freedom and allows you to freestyle for a little bit. For this cocktail instead of sweet vermouth I used amaro Averna. Which brings some herbal, anise and caramel notes to the mix, supporting bitter-sweet citrus tastes of Campari, which tend to dominate. Replacing usual sweet vermouth with dry, helps to balance out your choice of amari combination with drier, more grape forward notes, while gin provides the base and the main kick of the cocktail. Express some grapefruit zest oils over the top of the cocktail to add a little bit of extra complexity and aroma to the cocktail, that greets you the moment you lift the cocktail.

I really loved this negroni recipe, and I surely intend to return to it and test it with other types of amaro such as Cynar.




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