Morning Glory Fizz

- 60 ml Scotch
- 15 ml Fresh Lemon Juice
- 15 ml Fresh Lime Juice
- 22,5 ml Simple Syrup
- 22,5 ml Egg White
- 4 Dashes of Absinthe
- Soda Water (Chilled)
- Orange Peel Oils

- Dehydrated Orange Wheel

• Combine all of the ingredients except soda water in a cocktail shaker.
• Dry shake (without ice) to emulsify the egg whites.
• Add one or two ice cubes and shake until fully dissolved.
• Pour the contents into a chilled cocktail glass and let it set for a minute or two in the fridge, until the foam fully forms.
• Top up with chilled soda water to raise the foam. (For better result you can make hole with a straw to pour the soda water through or pour it along the bar spoon in order not to ruin the foam.)
• Express orange peel oils over the top.
• Garnish with a dehydrated orange wheel.


Cocktail author: Harry Johnson

I love a good fizz style cocktail and this XIX century creation was on my “To Try” list for way too long. At first glance it seems to be a quite simple drink, for a fizz. It does not require obscure or hard to source ingredients, so if you are planning getting into a fizz game, this recipe is a great starting point.

Base spirit of the cocktail is scotch with its malty, oaky notes, along with subtle hit of caramel sweetness. Tartness of lemon and lime juices brings the best of both worlds, ever so slightly increasing the complexity of the drink. Simple syrup balances out the sourness and lets the refreshing flavours pop out of the background. A few dashes of absinthe provide a touch of aniseed that is lingering in the background without overpowering rest of the ingredients, but clearly present nonetheless. Egg white creates the signature fizz foam, and a splash of effervescent soda water lengthens and lightens the cocktail. Finally, express some orange peel oils over the top for its delicious aroma and the cocktail is ready.

Morning Glory Fizz is a tasty and refreshing cocktail with a quirky name reflecting to its origins as a hangover cure. A must try for cocktail enthusiasts.


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