Passionfruit Puree

- 4-6 Passion fruits
- 25 g Caster Sugar
- 25 ml Water


• Scoop the passionfruit pulp into a pot.
• Add sugar and water.
• Simmer the mixture over a low to medium heat until it becomes consistent.
• (Optional) Use a fine strainer to remove the seeds.
• Pour the pure into a container and keep in the fridge.


A necessary ingredient for many tropical and tiki cocktails. Since it is not usually required in large quantities, I prefer to make my own instead of buying large bottles, that are left sitting in the fridge for ages. Homemade version has a shelf life of up to 2 weeks.

Ordinarily I do not bother fine straining the seeds out before use. I simply double strain my cocktails to sort this problem out. So far, I have failed to find one passionfruit seed in any of my drinks.


Cream of Coconut


White Creme de Cacao