Bloody Mary

- 60 ml Vodka
- 120 ml Tomato Juice
- 15 ml Fresh Lemon Juice
- 4 Dashes of Worcestershire Sauce
- 4 Dashes of Tabasco
- 1 Pinch of Celery Salt
- 1 Pinch Freshly Ground Black Pepper

- Celery Stick
- Skewered Olives

• Rim the cocktail glass with celery salt.
• Combine all of the ingredients in a cocktail shaker.
• Add ice and give it a gentle shake or stir (without making the drink frothy).
• Strain over fresh ice into a prepared cocktail glass.
• Garnish with a stick of celery and a skewered olives.


Cocktail author: it is rather unclear who invented this cocktail, but as always, internet and literature are full of speculations.

I cannot believe I have been doing this for a few years and have not yet covered Bloody Mary. This traditional hangover cure can be a little divisive because of the tomato juice, some people love it and some hate it. I fall in the latter category, although I can understand why it is sometimes described as being a “soup” like cocktail. Nevertheless, occasionally only a good Bloody Mary can satisfy a craving for a salty and scrumptious drink.

Cocktail is characterized by an umami packed tomato juice and how it blends with a salty flavourful Worcestershire sauce. A couple of dashes of Tabasco brings a bit of spiciness to the mix, that goes great with the notes of tomato. Boozy kick is provided by the fresh and crisp vodka, which because of its character pairs well with the rest of the ingredients and provides a gentle burn. Finishing touches of lemon juice, salt and pepper enables individual notes to pop a little bit brighter to let you enjoy the full potential of this drink.

Bloody Mary is a quite unique drink in a cocktail world. At first look, it does not seem like the ingredients belong in a cocktail glass (perhaps more suitable for a cooking pot), and yet it works wonders. If you are looking for something boozy, but not traditionally sweet or sour then umami rich Bloody Mary is a perfect choice.


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