Campari Shake

- 30 ml Campari
- 15 g Granulated Sugar
- 15 ml Honey
- Pinch of Salt
- 60 ml Fine Grapefruit Pulp
- 2 Scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream
- Grapefruit Twist
- Edible Flower
• Combine Campari, sugar, honey and salt in a cocktail blender.
• Blend until combined into a continuous mass.
• Add the remaining ingredients and blend until combined.
• Serve in a cocktail glass and garnish with a twist of grapefruit and an edible flower.
Cocktail author: from Malts & Milkshakes by Autumn Martin.
Usually when thinking about creamy milkshakes one immediately associates it with sweet and decadent drinks, almost an antithesis to the Italian amari. However, in Campari Shake the two are masterfully combined into a milkshake with a distinctly bitter Italian twist.
Base of the cocktail is formed by Campari and those all too familiar bittersweet orange notes pairing incredibly well with the fresh and zesty grapefruit. Honey together with sugar brings some delicate warmth and sweetness to the mix along with subtle floral tones present in the honey. Finally, Vanilla ice cream provide that rich creamy and indulgent texture that we all know and love.
The bitterness of Campari does wonders in this cocktail offsetting the sweetness and increasing the complexity of otherwise very familiar milkshake template. A pinch of salt is almost a stroke of genius, borrowing basic bakers’ trick to tame the bitterness and helping to integrate the ingredients together.
All in all, Campari Shake is a scrumptious and complex milkshake perfectly suited for the festive holiday mood. Especially if you feel tired of the same drinks every holiday season.
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