White Negroni

- 30 ml London Dry Gin
- 30 ml Lillet Blanc of Blanco Vermouth
- 30 ml Suze

- Twist of Lemon

• Combine all of the ingredients in a mixing glass.
• Add ice and stir for 30-45 sec. or approx. 60 revolutions.
• Strain into a cocktail glass over large ice cube.
• Garnish with a twist of lemon.


Cocktail author: Wayne Collins.

In the recent years Negroni became a ubiquitous cocktail. Its ever-growing popularity means you will meet it almost everywhere you go. White Negroni by Wayne Collins while inspired by this juggernaut has its own personality and flavour profile while retaining the simplicity of the original.

Base spirit remains the same – London dry gin and its strong juniper notes are clearly felt throughout the drink. Lillet Blanc adds subtle notes of honey, orange blossoms and floral undertones to the mix. Suze gentian liqueur has been subbed instead of Campari, providing bitter, earthy and gentle floral notes paring incredibly well with the rest of the ingredients without steamrolling over it. To be honest, I believe that in this riff many subtler botanical notes of gin and vermouth are far more present than in its traditional counterpart which often overwhelms the gentler undertones. If you have your favourite New Western Style gin, it just might be the choice for this cocktail, or at least it will be worth a shot of experimenting with it.

All in all, White Negroni is a simple yet remarkably fresh take on the familiar classic. Definitely give it a try if you have chance, especially if you love strong and bitter cocktails.


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